Privacy Policy of SIA “KIDS ARENA” 


SIA “KIDS ARENA, registration No. 50203322721 (hereinafter referred to as “Company”, “We”), has developed this statement on the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as “Personal Data Processing Statement”) in order to provide you with information about:
• why we process personal data of individuals;
• how we process personal data of individuals;
• what rights individuals, whose data we process, have.

Our goal in publishing this Personal Data Processing Statement is to ensure that our processing of personal data is transparent, clear, and fair.

This disclaimer applies to:

  • data submitted by individuals themselves to us,
  • data obtained from other sources.

To learn more about our processing of personal data, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the sections of the Personal Data Processing Statement that are directly relevant to you.

Contact Information – Data Controller and Inquiry

  • Data Processing Controller
    Registration No. 50203322721
    Legal address: Driksas iela 4, Jelgava, LV-3001
  • Contact Information for Inquiries
    If you have any questions about this Personal Data Processing Statement or about why and how we process your personal data, please contact the office administrator, who will connect you with the person responsible for answering your questions:


    Phone: + 371 25699044

What Personal Data We Process

We process your personal data only if one of the following grounds exists:

  • obtained consent from you;
  • for the realization of our legal (legitimate) interests;
  • for the conclusion or performance of a contract;
  • for the fulfillment of legal obligations.

In certain cases, we are authorized to authorize a third party to process your personal data. Please note that we will only transfer your personal data to third parties if:

  • we have concluded a contract with the recipient of your personal data and have ensured compliance with the appropriate security requirements for the transmission and receipt of personal data;
  • we have a legal obligation to transfer your personal data to the relevant recipient.

For more detailed information on the processing of your personal data and the legal grounds, please refer to the sections below that apply to you.

  • Clients
  • Purchases and Services

Every time you:

  • want to purchase or have purchased a product from us;
  • want to receive or have received services from us,

we process your data necessary to complete the purchase or receive the service.

If you have a KIDS ARENA customer card and activate it, when making a purchase or ordering a service from us, we apply the corresponding discounts (see “Marketing” section for details).

The legal basis for processing your data in this case is the conclusion and performance of the contract, as contractual relations are established between you and us – purchase of goods or provision of services.

  • Consumer Rights

We also process personal data to enforce consumer rights, for example, to address complaints from our buyers and customers regarding the products they have purchased or the services received.

The legal basis for this processing of your data is the fulfillment of legal obligations.

  • Marketing
  • Data Processing and Commercial Communications

We process your personal data to carry out various marketing activities, such as informing you about our offers or the offers of our business partners.

By business partners, we mean companies that apply their specific discounts to their products and services if you present the KIDS ARENA customer card to them.

The legal basis for this processing of your personal data is our legitimate interests, i.e., to carry out our marketing activities for our goods and services.

However, despite the fact that the processing of personal data is based on our legitimate interests, in order for us to provide you with the information mentioned, we need to obtain your consent, i.e., your consent to receive commercial communications from us. You can provide consent to receive commercial communications by filling out and submitting to us the relevant questionnaire at our retail/service delivery locations.

  • Video Surveillance

We conduct video surveillance at our retail locations and other premises.

Video surveillance is carried out to prevent and detect criminal offenses, as well as for property protection, which are our legitimate interests.

  • Potential Employees

We process your personal data to evaluate potential employee candidates and select candidates. The selection of potential employees is made with the aim of finding the most suitable employee for us, therefore, in this case, the legal basis for processing your personal data is our legitimate interests, i.e., to carry out employee selection to ensure the operation of the Company.

  • Who Processes Your Personal Data, Categories of Recipients

We process your personal data as the controller We, i.e., SIA “KIDS ARENA”. We may transfer your personal data to the following categories of recipients:

personal data processors who:

  • provide services to us or are our business partners and provide services or sell goods to you.
  • other recipients of personal data, including state and local government authorities, as well as courts, so that we can comply with mandatory legal requirements or defend our legal interests.

Personal data is processed only in European Union / European Economic Area countries and is not transferred outside of them.

  • How Long Data Is Stored

We process your personal data only for as long as we have a legal basis to do so or as long as there are other binding conditions in force. The retention periods of your personal data may be affected by factors such as:

  • the legal procedure by which we can exercise our legitimate interests (e.g., file objections or file claims in court);
  • there is a legal obligation to keep personal data for a certain period;
  • as long as your consent to the processing of personal data is valid.

When the aforementioned conditions for processing your personal data are no longer applicable, your personal data will be deleted or otherwise destroyed.

  • Your Rights

To ensure appropriate processing of personal data, you have several rights that you can use regarding your personal data:

access to personal data You have the right to request us to:

  • provide you with information about whether we process your personal data or request access to your personal data.

To access your personal data, you can contact our contact person – as indicated in Section 2, Paragraph 2 of the Personal Data Processing Statement.

rectify personal data if you believe that the personal data processed by us about you is